Sunday, May 3, 2009


A long train of cars-
the policemen of his family and their men stop traffic block by block for what seems like ten miles, as if to stop time. I glide by the men with their badges and am warmed by their honor for him, only wishing that he went in an honorable way, but it was the opposite and we've all grieved over that since.

We all were betrayed by his leaving.

How can one man who seems to be, and I quote "living the dream" throw so much away. Or rather he was the one thrown away and the rest of us left to cling on, barely able to comprehend such selfish pursuits.
To leave a six month old, a two year old, these two beautiful blonde angels and their mother, his wife, beautiful too and kind like one can only hope someone to be.
Familial success, financial, occupational, all types of success you could name and yet somehow those joys were blotted out.
For what,
For that last sip? That last line? That last joyride and that tree?
That haunting tree with the bark still removed three years, only left for us to look at in haunting memory of your tragic end?

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