Saturday, May 1, 2010

Married Love, by Liz Rosenberg

The trees are uncurling their first
green messages: Spring, and some man
lets his arm brush my arm in a darkened
theater. Faint-headed, I fight the throb.
Later I dream
the gas attendant puts a cool hand
on my breast, asking a question.
Slowly I rise through the surface of the dream,
Brushing his hand & my own heat away.

Young, I burned to marry. Married,
the smolder goes on underground;
clutching at weeds, writhing everywhere.
I’m trying to talk to a friend on burning
issues, flaming from the feet up,
drinking in his breath, touching his wrist.
I want to grab the pretty woman
on the street, seize the falcon
by its neck, beat my way into whistling steam.

I turn to you in the dark, oh husband,
watching your lit breath circle the pillow.
Then you turn to me, throwing first one limb
and then another over me, in the easy brotherly lust of
marriage. I cling to you
as if I were a burning ship and you
could save me, as if I won’t go sliding down beneath you
soon; as if our lives are made of rise and fall, and we could
ride this out forever, with longing’s thunder rolling heavy in our arms.


  1. The images of spring add a great legitimacy to the beginning of this poem.
    I used to live with this poem under my pillow
    even the seasoned old white whale rise to the surface in the spring
    still old enough to be her father.

    I love this: to beat my way into whistling steam
    and this: if I were a burning ship and you
    could save me, . . .

    because we are ships and I myself cling to a longing ship
    which can mean many things.
    and there is the infinite sadness of great ships sinking
    for clarity
    there is poetry everywhere
    this morning I heard something like this:

    [sitting in his small aluminum boat he waits
    for a spray of holy water from the blessing of the fleet
    and for the incoming and inevitable murky sludge]

    Thank you for the poem from Liz Rosenberg,

    2 morrow street

  2. Interestingly I was searching such kind of poem. Surprisingly I found it at my first click. Thanks..Bozan

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